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Marcus Holgersson has successfully defended his PhD thesis

Marcus Holgersson, who has been a core member of our group since its start, has successfully defended his PhD thesis. The thesis, that covers strategic IP management and economics of technology, was presented and discussed at a public PhD defense at Chalmers University of Technology on November 16th, 2012. The thesis was praised for its qualities both by the opponent, professor Hans-Georg Gemünden (TU-Berlin), and by the grading committee, consisting of professor Hans Björnsson (Chalmers University of Technology), professor Maureen McKelvey (Gothenburg University), and professor Jan-Eric Sundgren (AB Volvo).


Read more about the thesis here:
[intlink id=”450″ type=”post”]Innovation and Intellectual Property: Strategic IP Management and Economics of Technology[/intlink]


Upcoming PhD defense: Innovation and Intellectual Property

On Friday 16 November, 2012, Marcus Holgersson will defend his PhD thesis, Innovation and Intellectual Property: Strategic IP Management and Economics of Technology, at a public seminar at Chalmers University of Technology. The opponent is Professor Hans Georg Gemünden at TU Berlin. The thesis will be defended in English.

PhD defense
Date: 16 November  2012
Time: 13.15
Place: Vasa A, Vera Sandbergs Allé 8, Göteborg

Very welcome! Feel free to distribute to other interested parties.

[intlink id=”450″ type=”post”]Find the abstract of the thesis here.[/intlink]


Nicole Ziegler has successfully defended her thesis

Nicole Ziegler, who has been a guest researcher in our group for the last year, has successfully defended her PhD thesis. The thesis, that covers internal IP management strategies and processes as well as the external exploitation of IP, was presented and discussed at a PhD defense at the University of St. Gallen on September 6th, 2012. Read more about her thesis in the publication section.


[intlink id=”433″ type=”post”]Find the abstract to the thesis here.[/intlink]




Frank Tietze publishes new book on Technology Market Transactions

Frank Tietze has recently published a book covering his work on patent auctions and related issues entitled “Technology Market Transactions – Auctions, Intermediaries and Innovation“. Within the open innovation paradigm, firms need to operate efficiently in markets for technology. This book presents original research on technology transactions, market intermediaries and, specifically, the role of auctions as a novel transaction model for patented technologies.

Frank Tietze delivers an in-depth discussion of the impact of empirical results upon transaction cost theory, and in so doing, provides the means for better understanding technology transaction processes in general, and auctions in particular. Substantiating transaction cost theory with empirical auction data, the author goes on to explore how governance structures need to be designed for effective distributed innovation processes. He concludes that the auction mechanism is a viable transaction model, and illustrates that the auction design, as currently operated by market intermediaries, requires thorough adjustments. Various options for possible improvements are subsequently prescribed.

The theoretical facets of this book will strongly appeal to business economists, whilst its practical implications will provide an illuminating read for both academics and practitioners in the fields of innovation and intellectual property. Revealing empirically substantiated technology prices, this book will also prove to be of great interest to policy makers for further developing the markets for technology.

To read an abstract of the book, download a longer extract and order it online, please see our Publications section.

This study of technology auctions is long overdue. The book provides a better understanding of intermediaries, and their role and impact in markets for technology. Both scholars and managers will find it insightful.

– Alfonso Gambardella, Bocconi University, Italy

From this book, managers, academics and innovation policy makers will all benefit from new insights into the complex relationships between external technology exploitation strategies, patents, technology trade and open innovation processes. The convincing evidence – drawn from a dataset of technology auctions – helps firms to understand which of their patents are suitable for auction, and also provides guidance to intermediaries to help improve the auction models. The data presented in this book contributes to further price transparency on technology markets and hence to their further development.

– Hugo Tschirky, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Marcus Holgersson awarded scholarship from IMIT

Our researcher Marcus Holgersson was recently awarded the IMIT (Institute for Management of Innovation and Technology) scholarship for young researchers for his work on innovation and intellectual property management and strategies. Marcus received the scholarship from IMIT chairman and SKF director Hans Sjöström at the annual meeting of IMIT in Stockholm earlier this summer, at which he also held a seminar about his current research.

Read more about Marcus and the scholarship at Chalmers’ website (in Swedish): “Lovande forskare får 25000 kronor av IMIT”

Photo: Jennie Björk