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How pharmaceutical firms balance availability and profitability of their products

IMG_0094-2A new bachelor thesis project supervised by Marcus Holgersson in the innovation and intellectual property research group explores how firms in the pharmaceutical industry strategically balance the availability of their products to those who need it, especially in developing countries, with the profitability in order to cover R&D investments. The group is driven by a curiosity in how technological, societal, and financial goals, opportunities, and challenges can be matched. The project will be based on interview data as well as secondary data, with the aim of exploring what kind of strategies there currently are, what the challenges with them are, and how firms, organizations, and the society at large can change in order to better combine availability with profitability.

The group consists of Carl Ahlstrand, Jonathan Boman, Arvid Hanson, Christoffer Lindgren, Sara Locher, and Annie Milde from the Industrial Engineering and Management program at Chalmers University of Technology:

– We really look forward to discussing this fascinating and difficult question with representatives of pharmaceutical companies, as well as researchers or representatives from organizations active in the field.

If you are interested in the topic and want to contribute with your viewpoints and experience, please reach out to the group: